A fully NIMBLE mobile
tax refund solution

Our NIMBLE tax refund solution is based on modern mobile phone technology that enables you to issue digital Tax Refund forms quickly, efficiently and accurately.

Our full suite solution also enhances your international tourists’ tax-free shopping experience with you.

In just a few clicks

With the Tourego Nimble solution, tax refund tickets are issued in 3 seconds,

compliant* and without errors.

* avoids issuing eTRS tickets to repeated non-eligible purchasers

Easy access to activity report

With Tourego NIMBLE portal, instantly log and record every e-Tax Refund issued and make reference to them at any time with any device.

Drive Action with Data

Track and trace every interaction with each international shopper and turn that data into reports that help analyze and forecast your customers business. With Tourego Nimble Insights, you get on-demand reports for visualising, understanding, and interacting with your data.

Supercharge your sales

Increase the rate of Second Purchases in your stores!
With Tourego, tourists can now use their tax refunds to spend more with you instantly.